

Kategori: Allmänt

" Try lifting someone above your head and keep them sturdy while they twist their body in pretzel forms and smile at the same time. Try throwing a person into the air and watch them spin a couple of times and catch them. Looping your hands together like a basket and throw them high enough they can touch the sky. Getting hit, slaped, kicked, elbowed, kneed, and shake it off because you have to keep going. Break a couple of arms and legs and still push yourself to keep going. Stay up late to practice to make yourself better. Sweat so much because you have been doing tucks, backhandsprings, fulls and even when you run out of sweat, you keep going.  Build your strength up until you pass out but get back up and do it again. Cry, bleed, get bruises THEN tell me cheerleading isnt a sport. "


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